If a game can keep running for 20 years and still maintain an excellent reputation and popularity, it can almost be said to be a milestone-in fact, World of Warcraft is such a game. In the past 20 years, this MMORPG series has not only launched multiple expansions through updates but also further enriched the original Classic version by releasing new servers. Last year, 2024 was the 20th anniversary of the launch of WoW Classic, and the game also launched new related servers in time.
This new realm was launched on November 21, 2024. Besides retaining some of the fixed gameplay in the original Classic version, it will also introduce new content in stages. Currently, WoW Classic 20th is at the end of phase 2 and will usher in phase 3 on March 20.
So, now that phase 2 is about to end, it is necessary for you to understand all the new content in phase 3 in order to enter the new phase smoothly. Based on this, we will introduce it to you.
March 20-April 3
Unlike previous phase updates, this WoW 20th phase 3 update is divided into two parts. The second part will not be officially launched until April 3, two weeks after the first release of the new phase on March 20.
During the first part, phase 3 will bring an unusually rich update content, including Blackwing Lair raid, new level 50 class quests, Darkmoon Faire, and more. These new contents can not only become your new source of WoW 20th Anniversary Gold but also further enrich your WoW Classic 20th gaming experience.
1. Blackwing Lair Raid
This should be one of the most attractive parts of phase 3. The background story of this raid takes place in the dark depths of the top of Blackrock Mountain, where Nefarian, the eldest son of Deathwing, conducts his most terrible experiments, and what you have to do is to stop his conspiracy through fighting. To do this, you must gather allies and make reliable enough preparations to start this raid.
The raid level is 60, and there are 8 bosses to defeat. After preparation, you can go to Blackwing Lair with your teammates to start the task, or you can enter the mountain from Burning Steppes or Searing Gorge to get here. The 8 bosses are:
- Razorgore the Untamed: Responsible for protecting and nurturing the various black dragon eggs hidden in Blackwing Lair.
- Vaelastrasz the Corrupt: After being defeated by Nefarian, Vaelastrasz was corrupted and forced to become Nefarian’s subordinate.
- Broodlord Lashlayer: A dragon belonging to the blackdragon legion. Although it is not a real dragon, it is often used as a front-line soldier.
- Firemaw, Ebonroc, and Flamegore: These three dragons are members of the blackdragon legion. They currently obey Nefarian, but ultimately pledge allegiance to Deathwing.
- Chromaggus: A unique, colorful monster created by Nefarian that can use the power of various dragons against you.
- Nefarian: As the final boss, Nefarian is the king of Blackrock Spire, a member of the blackdragon legion, the eldest son of Deathwing, and the creator of the colorful dragons. There are many identities and great dangers.
After defeating Nefarian, you’ll be able to loot his head, just as you did with his sister Onyxia in other activities. It’s worth noting that if you can successfully complete the raid, in addition to WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Gold that is essential for playing the game, there are also set rewards corresponding to different classes, namely:
- Druid: Stormrage Raiment
- Hunter: Dragonstalker Armor
- Mage: Netherwind Regalia
- Paladin: Judgement Armor
- Priest: Vestments of Transcendence
- Rogue: Bloodfang Armor
- Shaman: The Ten Storms
- Warlock: Nemesis Raiment
- Warrior: Battlegear of Wrath
Other items worth obtaining include Claw of the Black Drake, Chromatically Tempered Sword, and Dragonbreath Hand Cannon. If you have the energy to spare, it is recommended that you loot Elementium Ore from Blackwing Technician, which can be smelted to make Elementium Bar, which is used to forge the legendary sword Thunderfury and Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
2. New Level 50 Class Quests
If you are level 50 or above when entering phase 3, you can go to any major city to find your class trainer to start a new round of adventures. It is worth noting that the quest opening locations, quest content and rewards corresponding to the 9 classes are different, so please be sure to read the relevant quest descriptions carefully. The quest opening locations are:
- Druid: Un’Goro Crater
- Hunter: Azshara along the cliffs near the eastern shore
- Mage: Azshara
- Paladin: Western Plaguelands
- Priest: Azshara along the cliffs near the eastern shore
- Rogue: Alterac Valley
- Shaman: Bath’rah the Windwatcher in Chillwind Point
- Warlock: Felwood
- Warrior: Swamp of Sorrows
In addition, you will also be able to obtain new reputation rewards in phase 3, including Argent Dawn, Timbermaw Hold, Thorium Brotherhood, etc. However, some rewards are unique to Alliance or Horde, and you need to distinguish them yourself.
3. Darkmoon Faire
It’s a bit like a point that will randomly refresh in different areas, where strange creatures from all over the world and other places gather. Although the faire is in unknown places most of the time, the owner Silas Darkmoon and his mysterious staff, occasionally appear in Mulgore and Elwynn Forest. Luckily, if they are about to appear, there will be criers who will go to Orgrimmar and Ironforge to bring you reminders so that you don’t miss it.
April 3-Before Phase 4
Two weeks after the launch of phase 3, WoW 20th Anniversary will remove PVP Honor Level 11 cap from April 3, which means that if your maximum level is 14 by then, you will be able to get titles and rewards so that you can buy WoW 20th gold and other resources for new combat venues such as Arathi Basin that will arrive soon in phase 4.
The above is all the new content that WoW Classic 20th Anniversary will usher in phase 3. Please be sure to prepare for it in advance! Have fun!